Depression treatment, Counseling for depression lower manhattan NYC, Tribeca, SOHODepression:
A Relationship Killer

Depression doesn’t just suck the life out of a person, it can suck the life out of a relationship. While traditional commercial advertising depicts depression as being an “old person” problem—this cannot be farther from the truth. In fact, reports indicate that millennials suffer higher rates of depression compared to any other generation. If such estimates are true than there are huge implications for those that love and care for individuals who are depressed.

Depression not only often erodes emotional and sexual intimacy, but if untreated can burden the relationship with unnecessary feelings of resent, contempt, anger and isolation. Often depression is misrepresented in modern American life as a struggle that only the individual must conquer and resolve, and often neglects to speak to the consequences it has on an individual’s support system. Caring and loving a depressed person may not only result in the non-depressed individual having to bear more of the burden of cleaning, paying the bills, and caring for children, but may even result in the onset of their own depression. The truth is that when depression within the couple remains untreated both individuals are at an increased risk of substance abuse issues, anger issues, violence, and even suicide.

Despite these warnings, individual and couples therapy can help. When diagnosed and treated early, depression doesn’t have to ruin the love and bond that brought a couple together. If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of depression or spousal/companion fatigue, Hope Kelaher Therapy can help. Below are common signs of depression along with common feelings associated with those loving/caring for someone who is depressed.

Common Signs of Depression:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
  • Insomnia
  • Change in Diet
  • Isolation
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Over use of substances such as drugs or alcohol
  • Poor hygiene
  • Irritability

Common Signs of Companion/Spousal Fatigue:

  • Anxiety
  • Overcompensating for the depressed partner
  • Distractions from joyful/activities
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Thoughts of resentment/contempt/separation
  • Isolation
  • Unmet sexual needs

Tips for Those Experiencing Companion/Spousal Fatigue:

  • Remember that you alone cannot cure depression; you are also not the only one who is experiencing this
  • Take care of yourself FIRST— if you aren’t doing well, then you partner won’t either
  • Practice compassion for yourself and your loved one
  • Seek out community support through the National Alliance of Mental Illness (
  • Read up on depression— especially autobiographies from those who have experienced depression first hand (this will help build understanding and empathy for your loved one)
  • Seek out individual therapy and possibly couples therapy

If you suffer from depression or are caring for a depressed person, Hope Kelaher Therapy may be able to help you. Call 347-395-3517 or email to schedule a free 15 min phone conversation.

Other resources for depression can be found by visiting the NYC THRIVE website here: